TheSage English Dictionary and Thesaurus7.62.2816 - Download

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Publisher Description

TheSage's English Dictionary and Thesaurus is an offline 17.9 million-word dictionary and thesaurus of the English language. TheSage can look up words directly from almost any program (IE, Word, Firefox, Outlook, Thunderbird,... ) and is 100% portable. It runs locally, and does not use your Internet connection. The Dictionary comprises approximately 340,000 senses, 110,000 etymologies, 100,000 examples of use, and 240,000 phonetic transcriptions, encyclopedic information (geographical, historical, political,...), academic knowledge (medicine, biology,... ), and more. The Thesaurus encompasses synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, holonyms,... including nearly 2,100,000 relationships between definitions. The essential functionality includes the following: Tabbed interface allowing multiple definitions and searches to be readily available, quick cross-referencing (any and all displayed words are clickable, triggering a lookup), standard and advanced wildcard search functionality, anagram search, online search, definition and example concordancer (so-called reverse search), text-to-speech, phonetic wildcard search, history, word lists manager, customization of the appearance of TheSage, and more.

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Users Rating:
  3.5/5     11
Downloads: 384
Updated At: 2024-11-01
Operating System: Windows
License Type: Free